Being a holder of the National Collection of Buddleja means we are helping to preserve the plant species as a living library, referencing and documenting valuable information.
We are very proud of our Collection at Longstock Park Nursery which we have held since the late 1990s. We encourage visitors to come and view the Collection and learn more about Buddleja and the importance of preserving plant species. You’ll be surprised just how many varieties there are, so we are confident we can help you find the best type of Buddleja for your garden, whatever the size and shape.
National Buddleja Collection: The Origin Story
In 1993, the Head Gardener Peter Bramley faced a monumental task of replacing an unruly Roses border close to the Nursery and the private grounds of Longstock House. The new addition needed to be resilient, bloom abundantly in summer, offer a discreet barrier between the nursery and the private garden and resist deer and rabbits. After careful consideration, the chosen plant was the robust Buddleja. Though the planting bed on chalky downland with clay at one end wasn't ideal for a National Collection, however the move from Roses to Buddleja brought the dream closer.
The dilemma was where to find a wide variety of Buddleja plants for sale. Typically, the options were limited to varieties like Royal Red and Black Knight, along with a few newer dwarf types. Yet, thanks to the Plant Finder publication and input from various gardens, we managed to cultivate over 60 different Buddleja varieties by 1997. This included a delicate winter-flowering species and several hybrids. In 1997, our Buddleja collection received full National Collection status from the National Collection Charity, Plant Heritage.
In 2004 a decision was made to create some additional 30m beds in the nursery gardens for the davidii 'butterfly bush’ and these would be able to be easily reached from the Walled Nursery Garden. One bed would accommodate hardy species, while another would be dedicated to testing dwarf varieties.

Longstock Park Nursery's National Buddleja Collection : Safeguarding diversity for the future
As National Collection holders, we understand the significance of conserving plant species for the generations to come. Peter Moore diligently tends to the collection at the Nursery with pride. His passion for the plants under his care is evident, as he eagerly imparts his knowledge and plays a crucial role in safeguarding the diversity of Buddleja.
The hardy species are essential to the collection, backed by a conservation initiative to safeguard them for upcoming generations of researchers and plant breeders. The delicate species are no longer part of the National Collection.
Visit: Explore the collection and breathe in the fragrant air
Visit Longstock Park Nursery between mid-July and early September to witness the National Collection of Buddleja davidii in full bloom, accompanied by butterflies.
Explore the extensive range of Buddleja varieties for sale at Longstock Park Nursery, boasting the largest selection in England and possibly worldwide. It's the perfect spot to enjoy a leisurely afternoon, complete with tea and cakes from the nearby Cherry Tree café in Longstock Park.
For varieties not in stock, these can be propagated to order. For enquiries contact the nursery using the contact form provided here. [link]
Explore the link and see some stunning images of the Buddleja that form part the collection held at Longstock Park.

Buddleja (butterfly bush)
Buddleja species are generally late summer flowering plants that can be grown easily in most gardens. Buddleja flowers tend to be long and poker-shaped, however there are Buddlejas that bear round, globe-shaped flowers too. The flowers have a honey-like fragrance and are rich in nectar - not surprising then that they often attract large numbers of bees and butterflies at once.
Our collection has over 100 Buddleja species and many of these are available to buy from our nursery.
Visit our Buddleja collection in the walled nursery garden during opening hours. Free to access and open from spring to late autumn, it's a treat for the eyes.
Find a Buddleja for you
Longstock Park nursery stocks a range of Buddlejas and as holders of the National Collection this includes less common varieties too. In addition, one of our Partners is a renowned Buddleja breeder and will look to source less well known and unusual varieties.
Take a look at our top 10 list of Buddlejas that work well in most gardens and settings, along with one or two of the less common ones.
10 Blooming Buddlejas
1. Buddleja alternifolia | Purple flowers, any soil, Winter hardy |
2. Buddleja davidii ‘Berries & Cream’ | Deep pink and white flowers, any soil, Winter hardy |
3. Buddleja davidii ‘Black Knight’ | Deepest purple, any soil, Winter hardy |
4. Buddleja davidii ‘Dartmoor’ | Light purple, any soil, Winter hardy |
5. Buddleja davidii ‘Pink Delight’ | Very pink, any soil, Winter hardy |
6. Buddleja davidii ‘Royal Red’ | Deep magenta, any soil, Winter hardy |
7. Buddleja davidii ‘Sugar Plum’ | Bright Pink, any soil, Winter hardy |
8. Buddleja davidii ‘White Profusion’ | White, any soil, Winter hardy |
9. Buddleja globosa | Yellow spherical flowers, any soil, Winter soil |
10. Buddleja lindleyana | Blue/purple very long flowers, any soil, Winter soil |
Our Buddlejas for sale can be found displayed in the shrub section in our nursery. Speak to us about growing Buddleja in your garden and we will help you find the perfect one for yours. Contact us to enquire about our stock of Buddleja - we are always happy to assist.

Make an Enquiry
We have an extensive range of plants, trees and shrubs for sale. Please complete our Plant Enquiry Form to find out if we have your particular product in stock.
We can deliver too
We sell lots of large trees and specimen plants and we can help you with delivery making sure these get back to your garden safely. Speak to our Partners about delivery, it’s usually no trouble at all.
- To qualify for delivery we require a minimum spend of £50
- Delivery is free up to 10 miles
- Delivery between 10-20 miles is £10
- Delivery 20+ miles is charged at £10 plus £2 per mile