
We’re committed to responsible fishing that supports our local environment. We continually improve the water quality, which is already fantastic thanks to the river’s chalk stream.

Working together

We know that working together with others helps us achieve more. The work we do with Wessex Rivers Trust, Natural England and the Environment Agency on a continuing river restoration project has already helped to improve river water quality, and created lots of wildlife habitat channels using locally sourced materials. 

As an Estate we are familiar with SSSI (sites of special scientific interest) and as Leckford fishery sits within one of these sites we strive to maintain this important habitat. You’ll see our beef cattle grazing the water meadows, which allows new seeds to establish in the gaps created when they graze the vegetation, and by compacting the soil with their hooves this helps with the sequestration of carbon - they don’t know it but they’re doing amazing work!

Care and attention

Our approach to better and sustainable fish farming at Leckford is simple. We don’t overstock our fish ponds which is good for the fish and for water usage too, and we use a high quality fish food that is highly digestible, meaning overall, less waste is produced.

We encourage the growth of riparian plants that improve water flow during drought conditions. Trees are planted along the river increasing the shaded areas and keeping the water cooler during very hot weather.

Making changes

We’re always looking to make small changes where we can, such as reusing packaging and sourcing recyclable materials. Along with bigger ones too, like encouraging natural habitats for insects and wildlife and using less fuel by cutting and mowing less and leaving nature to do its thing.

Our Environmental Ethos At Leckford Estate

Environmental ethos

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